Over Line, Inc
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Proven technological approach
Services we provide

 Database Mgmt

The primary focus of our database design team is to create a precise data analysis, conceptual and logical database design. The accurate modeling of user requirements using the latest Case Analysis techniques and the identification and classification of critical queries serves as the basis for our detailed physical database design.

The Over Line, Inc design team lays out the advantages and disadvantages of various physical data storage techniques such as ISAM, Hashing, B-trees and others. Data clustering and physical indexing strategies are discussed in our methodology at length along with techniques for I/O channel separation, Symmetrical query processing, and optimization for Client-Server architectures. While our capabilities are not specific to any one commercial DBMS, our implementation and design capabilities is inclusive in a variety of commercial RDBMS products such as ORACLE, Informix, and SQL server and Access.

 Application Development

In today's IT support environment, support staff typically spends up to one-third of their time addressing call support investigations and incident correction. These limitations cause strategic application decision process to be influenced by subjective pressures rather than real-time quantifiable information

Over a measured period, the clients have realized reduction in maintenance costs by employing critical process elements including; Work request, support call and incident tracking and estimating, prioritizing and planning, root cause analysis, permanent fixes, QA and performance analysis change controls. Through the development life cycle we utilize repeatable processes and procedures to obtain highest productivity possible. We achieve this standard by defining concise units of work and track these units through each phase of the life cycle from requirements definition to design, development, testing and QA, implementation, training and documentation.

These standards are modeled after the utility public and private sectors and process industries. Our application development is based on standards and procedures that enable us to deliver high quality end results on time and on budget. Through this approach we address the industry's problem of poor quality, missed deadlines and budget overruns, which often occur during application development.

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