Over Line, Inc
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Software development
Vision of Success

As a rule, building a sophisticated web-based system requires significant custom development of applications. Overline's experience in application development (AD) helps you use the latest technologies to support your overall business strategy. We build successful applications by:

 Taking a Total Approach to Application Development

New web-based technologies and programming paradigms provide you with more opportunities than ever to support your online community. As businesses like yours seek to leverage the Internet, the rate of application development has soared. In turn, today's users increasingly expect highly sophisticated, personalizable online tools. With many years of AD experience, Overline can help you develop mission-critical applications that meet your eBusiness goals.

Our AD process is closely aligned with our focus on building systems that fully leverage the power of corporate information. To perform successfully, your application must draw upon a cohesive base of accurate web-enabled information. In addition, your users must have secure access to the information that is most important to them. Following these principles, we work with you to design user-centric applications that will provide the best information to those who need it, in an easy-to-use format that results in user satisfaction.

Our total approach to AD embodies a deep understanding of the latest technologies, supported by our extensive industry experience and project management skills. We focus on building enterprise-wide web-based applications that take full advantage of the Enterprise Java (J2EE) framework, together with other middleware and backend systems that are critical to your IT infrastructure. Using our extensive resources, we help ensure that your online applications provide the highest value to your customers, business partners, investors, and employees.

 Working With You Every Step Of The Way

Building a high-value, web-based application is never as easy as simply buying and installing a perfect product. Consider these challenges:

  • Most out-of-the-box vendor products require customization to meet your specific needs

  • Even your online systems may need to be further web-enabled for enterprise-wide use

  • Important information can be disjointed, hard to find, or spread out across mainframes, file servers, desktops, laptops, or other data devices

  • "Hard," structured data repositories need to be integrated with "soft" content such as organizational documents, process papers, and presentations

Given these and other complex issues, your participation in the team is key to the success of your project. Our developers work closely with your IT staff using today's most productive technologies, including a full range of Java and UML-based design tools, as well as the more traditional tools in common usage. To achieve optimal results, we draw upon a wide range of resources, including best-of-breed third-party tools, framework, and components, as well as our own reusable components.

Throughout your engagement, we take steps to ensure that you are always up-to-speed. Our project managers and team leaders will keep you continuously informed of progress, issues, and next steps via secure web-based access to documents, information models, issue databases, and project schedules. With your participation, our technical experience, and strong project management, even your most complex application will work smoothly and seamlessly within your system -- for results you'll be able to count on.

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