Over Line, Inc
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We provide Recruiting Services to clients in information technology areas only.

Both domestic as well as overseas markets are available for tapping through our network.

The Overline Recruitment Methodology involves a 5-step qualification process that is well documented and implemented:

  • Soft Skills Evaluation

    • Communication: Candidates are judged on their

      • Knowledge of English

      • Articulation

      • Accent

      • Delivery

    • Attitude

    • Personality

  • Technical Pre-Screen (done by Recruiters using "Stock Questions")

  • Immigration Eligibility Evaluation (done by Immigration Department)

  • Technical Evaluation (done by the appropriate "Expert Group")

  • A Video Resume is forwarded to the client

  • At this stage, if the client desires to move forward with the candidate, we organize an in-person interview. If the candidate is not local, a Video-Conference Interview format is used instead.

In addition to direct recruiting services, we also provide Right-to-Hire Contractors who will work for an agreed upon period of time as an outside consultant and then - at the option of the client - get hired as a full-time W-2 employee.

For permanent hires, we provide extensive background checks through a service provider of repute.

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