While any company can give you a paycheck, Overline believes in giving you a Future too. Our goal is to provide you with opportunities for professional growth through career planning, counseling, goal setting, and periodic evaluations, networking and training.
We are all "perpetual students", ever striving for Excellence, which is an evolving target. It is only through continuous learning that your technical skills, performance capabilities and job satisfaction can be systematically increased.
The Overline Career Development Methodology involves the following:
CAREER PLANNING is done in chunks of 18 months at a time. In course of one or more interactive goal-setting interviews, the employee sets the goals, the counselor provides "reality check" feedback, and an "achievable" goal is finalized. The counselor then defines a time-bound, landmark-filled Road Map towards that goal
TARGET PROFILE updates are provided to all employees once a year to provide them with an Industry Benchmark against which to evaluate their respective careers
PERIODIC TECHNICAL EVALUATION is done once every 6 months for junior employees and once every year for senior employees. An outside evaluator conducts an interview with reference to the relevant Target Profile. The resultant written report identifies areas of Strengths and Weakness and a copy given to the employee and the Management respectively. Based on this report, an action plan is formulated to address the areas of weakness. The next periodic evaluation serves to highlight progress achieved or lack thereof
CAREER COUNSELING is available on request from any employee