Over Line, Inc
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OVER LINE, INC began in 1999 as Software and Database Support organization targeted towards the needs of small and middle companies. At that time we offer Complete Database services, which include infrastructural architect, design, onsite and offside support, Computer Sciences programs, were still way off in the future. OVER LINE, INC, leading the way filled in the gap.

Wasn't the conflict between nurturing others - at a sometimes tremendous cost in career growth and increased earnings or job satisfaction - a major issue in many women's lives? We had reached a turning point in our organization's growth and development. And here is what we did:

At that time OVER LINE, INC offered an informal placement and sourcing service for IT professionals. We matched IT professionals looking for jobs with managers we knew, most of whom attended our conferences and various programs. As our reputation spread, IT professionals - men as well as women - looked to OVER LINE, INC for help to move their careers into high gear. Clearly OVER LINE, INC provided a service IT professionals wanted.

OVER LINE, INC's informal referral service has evolved into the very successful, for-profit OVER LINE, INC well known today to so many in our industry.

OVER LINE, INC has grown and is still growing, but our roots remain in our history. We have never shed our initial philosophy, which concerns itself with the well-being and success of the people in our industry. A quick review of OVER LINE, INC's open business policy outlined in About OVER LINE, INC makes it clear that OVER LINE, INC is a company you can trust. A company that is fair gives you the best possible deal, and one you can count on to do business openly and above board.

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